In 1998, Indonesia exploded with both euphoria and violence after the fall of its long-time authoritarian ruler, Soeharto, and his New Order regime. Hope centred on establishing the rule of law, securing civilian control over the military, and ending corruption. Indonesia under Soeharto was a fundamentally insecure state. Shadowy organisations provocateurs, puppet masters, and other mysterious figures recalled the regime's inaugural massive anticommunist violence in 1965 and threatened to recreate those traumas in the present. Threats metamorphosed into deadly violence in a seemingly endless spiral. In Aceh province, the cycle spun out of control, and an imagined enemy came to life as armed separatist rebels. Even as state violence and systematic human rights violations were publicly exposed after Soeharto's fall, a lack of judicial accountability has perpetuated pervasive mistrust that undermines civil society.
Aceh, Indonesia: Securing the Insecure State
Drexler, Elizabeth F.Extent
University Of Pennsylvania Press