North Korea in Quotation: A Worldwide Dictionary, 1948-2004. Since the end of World War II, the outward signs of North Korea's relations with the international community have received intense scrutiny by concerned individuals throughout the world. Little is known about the intentions of North Korea's government, leaving the world to examine not only the words of the country's leaders but also the writings and pronouncements of international leaders, politicians, analysts, and journalists for a balanced critical assessment.This book offers more than 2000 quotations arranged in 20 categories. For each quotation, the writer or speaker and his or her title are identified, along with the original source of the quotation and its context. Indexed by speaker (writer), subject and keywords. With general index and speaker index.
North Korea in Quotation: A Worldwide Dictionary, 1948-2004
Shipp, SteveExtent
Mcfarland & Company