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Running Out of Water: The Looming Crisis and Solutions to Conserve Our Most Precious Resource. While many believe that water is a renewable resource that will never go away, the truth is the availability of this essential element is declining. Deftly weaving science, politics, economics and human foibles, Running Out of Water offers a comprehensive look at the crisis - from the West coast where mighty rivers are being diverted for California's agriculture to Gulf coast of Florida where the snowbird retreats have grown into major metro areas outpacing their natural resources; to the traditionally thirsty parts of the world like southern India where the water is available but infrastructure to take it to the tap is limited or nonexistent. Focusing on solutions, Running out of Water lays out the political leadership, policy action and technology tools required to sustain out water supplies.

Running Out of Water

SKU: 050642
  • ISBN

  • Authors

    Rogers, Peter; Susan Leal
  • Extent

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  • Publisher

    Palgrave Macmillan Limited

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