The well-known British Colonial administrator Sir Hugh Low (1824-1905) was Colonial Secretary, Labuan 1848-76 and Resident of Perak 1876-89. However he originally came to Borneo in 1844 as a collector of botanical specimens and was always keenly aware of the biosphere. In 2001, 150 years after Low's exploratory climb of Mount Kinabalu, a group of Sabahans set out to follow his route to the summit. This illustrated account shows the unique terrain and the demands of the very exacting trail. Many sidelights are given onto the development of Sabah and onto historical research, which enabled the reconstruction of the route. With sketch map, colour photographs, glossary and reading list.
The Hugh Low Trail: The Quest for the Historical Trail to the Summit of Kinabalu
Chin, Shui Hiung; Ravi Mandalam; et al.Extent
The Sabah Society