One thing is sure about this book: it will provoke both rethinking and controversy. Latheef Farouk has 35 years or so of experience as a journalist in Sri Lanka, Dubai and Bahrain. He offers brutally outspoken views on many recent events and conflicts including the context and course of President Bush's post-9/11 War on Terror. He finds deliberately misinformed anti-Muslim dynamics in many recent events including: the slaughter of Muslims in Kosovo, Bosnia and Chechnya; the napalm torching of Falluja; the Zionist destruction in Palestine; and Western/US activities in Iraq and many other places. Appalling human suffering is highlighted and blamed on deliberately anti-Muslim policies. While such viewpoints do exist in many places, it should be pointed out that no references are given for the statements made.
War On Terrorism: The Untold Truths
Farook, LatheefExtent
SIRD-Strategic Info Research Development